CAD Services
We can manage numerous neutral as well as native formats. The various converters we use allow entities filtering, files splitting, preview and generate a report automatically with the results of the conversion so we can do immediate quality control, thus assuring you of accurate translations.
Our expertise with various stand-alone CAD translators, as well as our internal engineering expertise enables us to provide CAD Perfect translations that are guaranteed accurate.
CAD conversion has always been a key aspect of CAD|CAM Services. We excel in the conversion and translation of major 2D CAD file formats to nearly all 3D CAD programs or translation from any 3D CAD format to a different 3D CAD format. Our service provides you with the ability to convert CAD files into any format, streamlining the flow of data throughout your organization or supply chain. You can leverage your CAD data investment over and over, for any purpose, with confidence when you use our CAD translation service. Benefits of Our CAD Translation Service are:
- Minimize design mistakes
- Reduce costs and improve productivity
- Protect your data and maximize your design use
- Shorten the manufacturing process and improve time to market cycles

CAM Services
CAM is a stand-alone HSM CAM system that integrates with existing CAD and CAM systems including Pro-ENGINEER and SolidWorks.
NCG CAM boasts many innovative features including automatic 3D roughing. This is suitable for all types of forms, creating an optimised and smooth cutter motion for HSM machining, while helping to extend tool life, minimising wear on the machine tool and producing parts with excellent surface finish.
- Easy to learn and use – learning curve of just 1 day to start cutting.
- Toolpaths are optimised for HSM machining, to extend tool life and reduce wear on the machine.
- 3D stock models can be created to clarify material moved.
- All post-processors are written in-house, giving complete in-house support.

CAE Services
CAD Engineering Simulation Service helps you to predict that your products will thrive in the real world. Industry leaders appreciate the confidence that comes when CAD|CAM Engineering Simulation Service creates complete virtual prototypes of complex products and systems for them. The added surety of 3rd party simulation ensures that mechanical, electronics and embedded software components incorporate all the physical phenomena that exist in real-world environments.
- Fluids
- Structures